Fête galante. Only (17)80s kids remember this.
Немного лекций по семнадцатому и восемнадцатому векам от различных университетов. Каждое видео - под катом.

Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts (HIST 251)
Professor Wrightson discusses the remarkable growth of the British economy in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. He examines the changed context of stable population and prices; regional agricultural specialization; urbanization; the expansion of overseas trade both with traditional European trading partners and with the Americas and the East; the growth of manufacturing industries which served both domestic and overseas markets, and the intensification of internal trade. He describes and explains the emergence of an increasingly closely articulated national market economy, closely linked to a nascent world economy in which Britain now played a core role

Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts (HIST 251)
In this lecture, Professor Wrightson discusses the transformation of the English state in the twenty years following the Glorious Revolution of 1688. He examines the ambiguities of the Revolutionary Settlement which placed authority in William III and Mary II following the deposition/abdication of James II, and the manner in which parliamentary government was strengthened through responses to the demands of the wars precipitated by the revolution, culminating in the constitutional provisions of the Act of Settlement of 1701. Finally he considers the origins and outcomes of the 1707 Act of Union which fused the kingdoms of Scotland and England into the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and ends by briefly characterizing the paradoxical realities of the British state of 1714.

European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present: French and Other Absolutisms

European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present: The Scientific Revolution in Europe

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
The rise of absolutism in Europe must be understood in the context of insecurity attending the religious wars of the first half of the seventeenth century, and the Thirty Years' War in particular. Faced with the unprecedented brutality and devastation of these conflicts, European nobles and landowners were increasingly willing to surrender their independence to the authority of a single, all-powerful monarch in return for guaranteed protection. Among the consequences of this consolidation of state power were the formation of large standing armies and bureaucratic systems, the curtailment of municipal privileges, and the birth of international law.

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
Several reasons can be found to explain why Great Britain and the Netherlands did not follow the other major European powers of the seventeenth century in adopting absolutist rule. Chief among these were the presence of a relatively large middle class, with a vested interest in preserving independence from centralized authority, and national traditions of resistance dating from the English Civil War and the Dutch war for independence from Spain, respectively. In both countries anti-absolutism formed part of a sense of national identity, and was linked to popular anti-Catholicism. The officially Protestant Dutch, in particular, had a culture of decentralized mercantile activity far removed from the militarism and excess associated with the courts of Louis XIV and Frederick the Great.

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
Peter the Great's historical significance stems not only from his military ambitions and the great expansion of the Russian Empire under his supervision, but also from his efforts to introduce secular, Western customs and ideas into Russian culture. Despite his notorious personal brutality, Peter's enthusiasm for science and modern intellectual concerns made an indelible mark both on Russia's relationship to the West and on its internal politics. The struggle under Peter's reign between Westernizers and Slavophiles, or those who resist foreign influences, can be seen at work in Russia up to the present day.

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
While the major philosophical projects of the Enlightenment are associated with the names of individual thinkers such as Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire, the cultural transformation in France in the years leading up to the Revolution should also be understood in the context of the public sphere and popular press. Alongside such luminaries as those associated with Diderot's Encyclopédie were a host of lesser pamphleteers and libellists eager for fame and some degree of fortune. If the writings of this latter group were typically vulgar and bereft of literary merit, they nonetheless contributed to the "desacralization" of monarchy in the eyes of the growing literate public. Lawyers' briefs, scandal sheets and pornographic novels all played a role in robbing the monarchy of its claim to sacred authority at the same time as they helped advance the critique of despotism that would serve as a major impetus for the Revolution.

History of New-York
The English sweet tooth and the New York slave trade, 1690-1725: Social inequality and elite factionalism shape competing elites' quest for political and economic power.

History of New-York
The origins of Homeland Security: the Zenger Affair and the "Negro Riot of 1741."

History of New-York
Life in pre-Revolutionary New York for the poor and the Yankee Doodle Dandies

History of New-York
Life in pre-Revolutionary New York for the poor and the Yankee Doodle Dandies

History of the World after 1500CE
Transformations in Europe, 1500-1750

History of the World after 1500CE
The Americas, the Atlantic, and Africa, 1530-1770

History of the World after 1500CE
The Americas, The Atlantic, and Africa, 1530-1770 II

History of the World after 1500CE
Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750

History of the World after 1500CE
Early Modern Islamic Governance

History of the World after 1500CE
Northern Eurasia, 1500 -1800

History of the World after 1500CE
Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850 Part I

History of the World after 1500CE
Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850 Part II

History of the World after 1500CE
The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851

History of the World after 1500CE
British India

American Revolution
25 lections

@темы: история, XVIII век, интересные ссылки, XVII век, Война за Независимость, Колониальная Америка