Возвращаясь к якобитским песням. Собрала небольшой фанмикс из песен, которые могли петь в 1745 году (они существовали на то время) или же они написаны по мотивам прошедших событий.
1. The Wee Wee German LairdieТекстWha the de'il ha'e we gotten for a king,
But a wee wee German lairdie
And when we gaed to bring him hame
He was delving in his kail yairdie.
He was sheughin' kail and laying locks
Without the hose and but the breeks,
And up his beggard duds he cleeks,
This wee wee German lairdie.
An he's clappit down in our gudeman's chair
The wee wee German lairdie
And he's brought forth o' foreign trash,
And dibbled them in his yairdie,
He's pu'd the rose o' English loons,
And broken the harp o' Irish clowns,
But our Scots thistle will jag his thumbs,
The wee wee German lairdie.
Come up amang our Highland hills
Thou wee wee German lairdie,
And see how the Stuart's lang kail thrive,
They dibbled in our yairdie:
And if a stock thou daur to pu'
Or hand the yokin' o' a plough,
We'll break your sceptre owre your mou'
Thou wee bit German lairdie.
Auld Scotland thou'rt owre cault a hold
For nursin' siccan vermin;
But the very dogs o' England's court
They bark and howl in German.
They keep thy dibble in thy ain hand,
They spade but and thy yairdie,
For wha' the de'il now claims your land
But a wee wee German lairdie! В очень вежливом переводе название переводится как "Описавшийся немецкий лорд". Песня посвящена Георгу Первому, как нетрудно догадаться, и напичкана оскорблениями в его адрес (англичанам и ирландцам тоже досталось). Какое-то время я думала, что эта песня достаточно стара, чтобы быть написанной в начале восемнадцатого века, но ошиблась на сто лет. Слова написал некий Аллан Каннингем около 1810 года, на застольную мелодию 1740.
2. Clan Ranald WelcomeТекст Chorus:
Thug ho-o, laithill ho-o
Thug o-ho-ro an àill libh
Thug ho-o, laithill ho-o
Seinn o-ho-ro an àill libh.
Early as I awaken,
Great my joy, loud my laughter,
Since I heard that the Prince comes
To the land of Clanranald
Since I heard that the Prince comes
To to the land of Clanranald;
Thou'rt the choicest of all rulers,
Here's a health to thy returning.
Thou'rt the choicest of all rulers,
Here's a health to thy returning,
His the royal blood unmingled,
Great the modesty in his visage.
His the royal blood unmingled,
Great the modesty in his visage,
With nobility overflowing,
And endowed with all good nature.
With nobility overflowing,
And endowed with all good nature;
And shouldst thou return ever
At his post would be each laird.
And shouldst thou return ever,
At his post would be each laird,
And thy friends would be joyful
If the crown were place on thee.
And thy friends would be joyful
If the crown were placed on thee,
And Lochiel, as he should be
Would be leading the Gaëls.
And Lochiel, as he should be,
Would be leading the Gaëls,
With Clan Donald the valiant,
In battle triumphant.
With Clan Donald the valiant,
in battle triumphant,
'Tis they who would strive with
The red-coated soldiers.
'Tis they who would strive with
The red-coated soldiers,
They're the fine band of heroes
With cockades and blue bonnets.
They're the fine band of heroes
With cockades and blue bonnets;
Then the kilt would find favour,
With garters of scarlet.
The the kilt would find favour,
With garters of scarlet,
Pleated tartan about us,
Spanish sword and pair of pistols.
Pleated tartan about us,
Spanish sword and pair of pistols;
And, if I got my yearning
Sorely would the Duke suffer.
And, if I got my yearning,
Sorely would the Duke suffer;
You would see the vile butcher
With the rope round his windpipe.
You would see the vile butcher
With the rope round his windpipe,
And the Maiden I'd give
An heir-loom to his brother.
And the Maiden I'd give
An heir-loom to his brother;
But here's a health to thy coming, -
Prince Charles, thy return!Песня исполняется в коротком варианте и, конечно, на гэльском; ее настоящее название: Oran Eile Do'n Phrionnsa (то есть, "Другая песня для Принца"). Написал ее в 1745 году Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair (Александр, сын преподобного Александра), известный так же, как Александр Макдональд. Под принцем подразумевается принц Красавчик Чарли.
3. Johnnie CopeТекстChorus
Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye wauking yet?
Or are your drums a-beating yet?
If ye were wauking I wad wait
To gang to the coals i' the morning.
Cope sent a challenge frae Dunbar:
'Charlie, meet me an' ye daur,
An' I'll learn you the art o' war
If you'll meet me i' the morning.'
When Charlie looked the letter upon
He drew his sword the scabbard from:
'Come, follow me, my merry merry men,
And we'll meet Johnnie Cope i' the morningl
'Now Johnnie, be as good's your word;
Come, let us try both fire and sword;
And dinna rin like a frichted bird,
That's chased frae its nest i' the morning.'
When Johnnie Cope he heard of this,
He thought it wadna be amiss
To hae a horse in readiness,
To flee awa' i' the morning.
Fy now, Johnnie, get up an' rin;
The Highland bagpipes mak' a din;
It's best to sleep in a hale skin,
For 'twill be a bluidy morning.
When Johnnie Cope tae Dunbar came,
They speired at him, 'Where's a' your men?'
'The deil confound me gin I ken,
For I left them a' i' the morning.
'Now Johnnie, troth, ye werena blate
To come wi' news o' your ain defeat,
And leave your men in sic a strait
Sae early in the morning.
'I' faith,' quo' Johnnie, 'I got sic flegs
Wi' their claymores an' philabegs;
If I face them again, deil break my legs!
Sae I wish you a' gude morning'.
Chorus Эта песня тоже написана в 1745 году, после победы якобитов при Престонпанс над английским генералом сэром Джоном Коупом (ему очень не повезло, потому что этим поражением забылись его ранние победы в других войнах). Автор песни - фермер Адам Скирвин, и песня тоже весьма ехидна.
4. Cam ye o'er frae FranceТекстCam ye o'er frae France? Cam ye down by Lunnon?
Saw ye Geordie Whelps and his bonny woman?
Were ye at the place ca'd the Kittle Housie?
Saw ye Geordie's grace riding on a goosie?
Geordie, he's a man there is little doubt o't;
He's done a' he can, wha can do without it?
Down there came a blade linkin' like my lordie;
He wad drive a trade at the loom o' Geordie.
Though the claith were bad, blythly may we niffer;
Gin we get a wab, it makes little differ.
We hae tint our plaid, bannet, belt and swordie,
Ha's and mailins braid—but we hae a Geordie!
Jocky's gane to France and Montgomery's lady;
There they'll learn to dance: Madam, are ye ready?
They'll be back belyve belted, brisk and lordly;
Brawly may they thrive to dance a jig wi' Geordie!
Hey for Sandy Don! Hey for Cockolorum!
Hey for Bobbing John and his Highland Quorum!
Mony a sword and lance swings at Highland hurdie;
How they'll skip and dance o'er the bum o' Geordie!Еще одна ругательная песня про Георга Первого. На этот раз действительно начала восемнадцатого века - когда Георг Первый перевозил свой двор в Лондон. Geordie Whelps - Георг Первый, his Bonny Woman, Goosie - Мелюзина фон дер Шуленбург, loom o' Geordie - София-Доротея, бывшая жена Георга Первого, came a blade - подразумевается любовник Софии-Доротеи Филипп Кристоф фон Кёнигсмарк, Montgomery's lady - Мария Моденская, жена Якова Второго, Jocky - Старый претендент, Яков Третий.
5. Wha'll Be King But Charlie?ТекстThe news frae Moidart cam' yestreen,
Will soon gar monie ferlie;
For ships o' war hae just came in,
And landit Royal Charlie.
Come thro' the heather, around him gather,
Ye're a' the welcomer early;
Around him cling wi' a' your kin;
For wha'll be King but Charlie?
Come thro' the heather, around him gather,
Come Ronald come Donald, come a' thegither,
And crown your rightfu' lawfu' King!
For wha'll be King but Charlie?
The Hieland clans, wi' sword in hand,
Frae John o' Groats to Airlie,
Hae to a man declared to stand
Or fa' wi' Royal Charlie.
The lowlands a', baith great an' sma',
Wi' mony a Lord and Laird, hae
Declar'd for Scotia's king an' law,
An speir ye wha but Charlie.
There's ne'er a lass in a' the lan'
But vows baith late an' early,
She'll ne'er to man gie her heart nor han',
Wha wadna fecht for Charlie.
Then there's a health to Charlie's cause,
And be't complete an' early;
His very name our heart's blood warms;
To arms for Royal Charlie!
Chorus Песня, написанная в начале девятнадцатого века леди Наирне, дочерью ярого сторонника якобитов Лоуренса Олифанта.
6. Loch LomondТекстBy yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes,
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond.
Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.
Oh ye’ll take the high road and I’ll take the low road,
And I’ll be in Scotland afore ye;
But me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.
’Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen,
On the steep, steep side of Ben Lomond,
Where in deep purple hue the Hieland hills we view,
And the moon comin’ out in the gloamin’.
The wee birdies sing and the wild flowers spring,
And in sunshine the waters are sleeping;
But the broken heart will ken nae second spring again,
Tho' the waeful may cease frae their greeting.
RefrainОб этой песне и ее связи с якобитским восстанием я писала
7. Charlie is My DarlingТекст
Twas on a Monday morning,
Right early in the year,
When Charlie came to our town
The Young Chevalier.
Charlie is my darling, my darling, my darling.
Charlie is my darling, the young Chevalier.
As he cam' marchin' up the street,
The pipes played loud and clear.
And a' the folk cam' rinnin' out
To meet the Chevalier.
Wi' highland bonnets on their heads
And claymores bright and clear,
They cam' to fight for Scotland's right
And the young Chevalier.
They've left their bonnie highland hills,
Their wives and bairnies dear,
To draw the sword for Scotland's lord,
The young Chevalier.
Oh, there were many beating hearts,
And mony a hope and fear,
And mony were the pray'rs put up,
For the young Chevalier.
Chorus Еще одна песня леди Наирне (или, может быть, Джеймса Хогга) начала девятнадцатого столетия
8. The Massacre of GlencoeТекст
Oh, cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe
And covers the grave o' Donald;
Oh, cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe
And murdered the house of MacDonald.
They came in the blizzard, we offered them heat,
A roof for their heads, dry shoes for their feet;
We wined them and dined them, they ate of our meat,
And they slept in the house of MacDonald
They came from Fort William wi murder in mind;
The Campbell had orders King William had signed;
"Put all to the sword," these words underlined,
"And leave none alive called MacDonald."
They came in the night when the men were asleep,
This band of Argyles, through snow soft and deep;
Like murdering foxes amongst helpless sheep,
They slaughtered the house of MacDonald.
Some died in their beds at the hand o the foe;
Some fled in the night and were lost in the snow;
Some lived to accuse him wha struck the first blow,
But gone was the house of MacDonald.Современный бонус. 1963 год, но песня ужасная по содержанию, а в таком исполнении - полный разрыв шаблона. Посвящена резне в Гленко в 1692 году.
10. The Skye Boat Songчитать дальше(Chorus)
Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing
Onward the sailors cry
Carry the lad that's born to be king
Over the sea to Skye
Loud the wind howls, loud the waves roar,
Thunderclaps rend the air
Baffled our foes, stand by the shore
Follow they will not dare
Many's the lad fought on that day
Well the claymore did wield
When the night came, silently lain
Dead on Culloden field
Though the waves heave, soft will ye sleep
Ocean's a royal bed
Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep
Watch by your weary head
Burned are our homes, exile and death
Scatter the loyal men
Yet e'er the sword cool in the sheath
Charlie will come again.
ChorusГоворят, что эту песню написала в 1870-х Энн Маклеод, но некоторые исследователи отмечают, что, скорее всего, она услышала ее в гэльском варианте. Поется она на мотив колыбельной, о бегстве принца Чарли, переодетого женщиной, вместе с Флорой Макдональд на утлой лодчонке после сражения при Куллодене.
Вообще фанмикс такой вкусный и насыщенный, а еще и с исторической справкой - вообще красота