понедельник, 15 сентября 2014

Нильс Барк, шведский дипломат. В Петербурге (1743-1747) и в Вене (1747 - 1781).
Цитата из письма Леопольда Моцарта к его жене от 28 апреля 1770 из РимаI wrote to His Grace on the 25th and hope that the letter has arrived safely. footnote1 I`ve heard nothing from Herr Eybeck, even though it`s now a week since I received a letter from His Excellency the High Steward informing me that I should already have received Herr Eybeck`s letter. You can now send all your letters to me in Rome, Herr Marcobruni will forward them to me in Naples. But you must write pr Mantova à Roma. It`s still cold, not as cold as in Salzb., but also not as warm as it should be in Rome as there are always cold winds and low clouds; but as soon as the sun shows itself, it gets very warm. We called on the Principessa Barbarini, where we met Prince Xaver of Saxony and, for a second time, the Pretender, or so-called King of England, and Cardinal Pallavicini, as well as a gentleman who knew us from Paris. Today at the home of the Ambassador of Malta, we met another gentleman who knows us from Vienna, the Swedish envoy who saw us in London and Count Wallerstein.Schon im 18. Jahrhundert feierten Schweden den Gottesdienst in der Schwedischen Gesandtschaft hier in Wien. In der Wohnung des Botschafters gab es eine Kapelle. Es ist uns bekannt, dass im Jahr 1738 Christoff Gerhard Suke aus Mecklenburg Legationsprediger war.
(die Seite von der Schwedischen Kirche in Wien)
Svenska archivum: innehållande, handlingar uti Svea-rikes historia, 1790Интересная работа о турецких посольствах в Европе того времени с упором на Венецию.
XVIII век,