Fête galante. Only (17)80s kids remember this.
А. Веселовский в книге «Боккаччо, его среда и сверстники» приводит слова свидетеля чумы Маттео Виллани: «Сладострастие не знало узды, явились невиданные, странные костюмы, нечестные обычаи, даже утварь преобразили на новый лад. Простой народ, вследствие общего изобилия, не хотел отдаваться обычным занятиям, притязал лишь на изысканную пищу; браки устраивались по желанию, служанки и женщины из черни рядились в роскошные и дорогие платья именитых дам, унесенных смертью. Так почти весь наш город (Флоренция) неудержно увлекся к безнравственной жизни; в других городах и областях мира было и того хуже»
В.Б.Шкловский "Избранное"
The great Arab historian Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), who lost his mother and father and a number of his teachers to the Black Death in Tunis, underscored the sense of desolation: “Cities and buildings were laid waste, roads and way signs were obliterated, settlements and mansions became empty, dynasties and tribes grew weak,” he wrote. “The entire world changed.”
The chronicler Agnolo di Tura 'the Fat' relates from his Tuscan home town that
... in many places in Siena great pits
were dug and piled deep with the
multitude of dead [...] And there
were also those who were so sparsely
covered with earth that the dogs
dragged them forth and devoured
many bodies throughout the city.
В.Б.Шкловский "Избранное"
The great Arab historian Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), who lost his mother and father and a number of his teachers to the Black Death in Tunis, underscored the sense of desolation: “Cities and buildings were laid waste, roads and way signs were obliterated, settlements and mansions became empty, dynasties and tribes grew weak,” he wrote. “The entire world changed.”
The chronicler Agnolo di Tura 'the Fat' relates from his Tuscan home town that
... in many places in Siena great pits
were dug and piled deep with the
multitude of dead [...] And there
were also those who were so sparsely
covered with earth that the dogs
dragged them forth and devoured
many bodies throughout the city.